Specialized Services

Pupil & Personnel Services

The West Harvey-Dixmoor School District #147 requires that all students with disabilities be provided with a high quality and appropriate education in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) as mandated by Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). The focus is to improve the school climate with a continuum of service to ensure that students with individualized education plans (IEPs) have greater access to the regular education environment. Children with disabilities must be educated with their grade level peers to the maximum extent appropriate with the use of supplemental aids and services needed. Any questions regarding the continuum of services, please feel free to contact the Pupil Personnel Service Department (PPS).

504 Plans

A 504 Plan Illinois is an accommodation plan that ensures equitable educational opportunities for individuals with disabilities. 504 plan eligibility also includes students with a disability who are in Early Childhood and/or English Language Learner programming. Eligibility for a 504 Plan in Illinois is decided by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 definitions of disability. A student must have a physical or mental handicap that substantially affects one or more main living activities, such as learning, walking, breathing, or working, to qualify for a 504 Plan in Illinois. The team at WHD will document and verify this disability. The student must also require functional adjustments or changes to engage in school activities and have equal access to educational opportunities. Via a 504, a student will receive functional accommodations via a 504 if found eligible. 

Continuum of Special Education Services

Early Childhood Special Education

Our Early Childhood Program supports students with identified developmentally delays. The program works closely with the State of Illinois Early Intervention (EI) program and conducts Preschool screenings throughout the school year.

​Speech & Language

Speech and Language services are provided to students who have been identified with an impairment which adversely affects their education performance in one or more of the following areas: Articulation, Voice, Fluency, and Language. The Speech and Language program is provided district wide. (Preschool - 8th Grade)

Support Services

Support Services are offered to students who require special education services, based on their IEP (Individual Education Plan), when modification and accommodations in the regular education room do not meet their specific needs. Based on individual student needs, services may include:

  • Consultation between the special and regular teacher
  • Co-teaching in the regular education classroom
  • Individual or small group direct instruction as a pullout service in the Support Services Center
  • Special education teacher or paraprofessional providing support in the general education classroom (Push-In service)

Dually Classified Students (Special Education including Early Childhood Special Education, and English Language Services)

Support services are offered in native languages who require special education services based on their IEP (Individualized Education Plan) and their English Language Programming (TBE) Transitional Bilingual Program or (TBI) Transition Program Instruction if found eligible. Please refer to the Bilingual Services page for more specific information regarding bilingual programming and services. 

Low-Incidence Program (Hearing, Visual, and Orthopedic Impairment)

Programs for students with visual, hearing, and orthopedic impairments are available in cooperation with ECHO. Students could be serviced by an itinerant teacher who comes to the child’s school within the district or in a self-contained structure.

Exceptional Children Have Opportunities Programs (ECHO)

School District #147 is part of the ECHO Joint Agreement Cooperative. ECHO placements are utilized when a child’s needs cannot be met with the supports currently in place within the district. Specific programs include the following: Adaptive Behavioral Learning Environment Program (ABLE); Communication Development Program (CD); Deaf/Hard of Hearing Program (DHH); Providing Alternatives for Continuing Education Program (PACE); ECHO School: Physically/Health Impaired and Visually Impaired Program; ECHO Satellite; ECHO Early Childhood. All programs are locations vary throughout the south suburban area (Grades PreK-8).

Other Related Services

School District #147 also offers related services as needed for a student. Related services are listed with a child’s IEP when there is a need. Those services could include the following: School Health Services, Social Work Services (SW), Speech and Language Services (SLP), Occupational Therapy (OT), Physical Therapy (PT), Visual Itinerant, Hearing Impaired Itinerant, and Physically Impaired Itinerant (Grades PreK-8).

Home/Hospital Instruction

The West Harvey-Dixmoor School District #147 offers homebound instruction as deemed necessary in accordance with ISBE guidelines.

School Psychologist

The school psychologist provides diagnostic information about individual students including intelligence levels, learning styles, and personality characteristics and patterns. They also are heavily involved in the RtI/PBIS process.  They also confer with parents and teachers to interpret test results and offer recommendations for follow up.

Social Work/Counselor

All schools either have a full or part time social worker/counselor on staff to support the social emotional well-being of all students in the general and special education setting through consultative, group, and individual services.

Private/Parochial Services

Students attending private or parochial school within the West Harvey-Dixmoor School District #147 boundaries may be eligible for special education evaluation and support services. 

Contact Us

Iliana El-Khailani
Director of Specialized Services